Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Easy School Lunches

My oldest starts Kindergarten in a few weeks (eek) and I have been hunting around for easy school lunch ideas.  She's a pretty picky, non traditional 5 year old.  She doesn't eat sandwiches but loves fruits and veggies.  Go figure,lol. I am not really a big fan of what they serve for school lunches in our district and I can't even begin to think of what she would even eat. SO my plan is to pack a home lunch until (if) she tells me otherwise.

I want to save time and prep lunches for the week like I do my slow cooker planning. Since she's a pretty healthy eater by nature I will need to purchase most of her lunch with my weekly groceries to keep it fresh.  

I feel pretty good about tackling this. She picked out her lunchbox, Frozen, SHOCKER.  I searched through the cabinets and have a ton of different containers in all shapes and sizes, reusable bags, cupcake liners and cookie cutters. I placed them all in a container to make it easier for me to get to.  I even printed out cute lunchbox notes and purchased post-its to add in a note each day. As I searched online and pinned many ideas, I did get overwhelmed.  I'm not wonder mom and I'm not going to make elaborate creations with her lunch and I'm okay with that.

The researching did allow me to compile a bunch of ideas that I thought I'd share a few.  Below are some of my favorites.  Feel free to leave a comment with other suggestions.  I'm going at this blind.  

Some of my favorite sites:
Lunchbox Dad 
Laptop Lunches/Bento Boxes 

Some great posts:
Lunch Made Easy: 20 Non-Sandwich School Lunch Ideas for Kids!
31 Days of School Lunchbox Ideas
School Lunch Ideas (includes 40 Weeks of Nut Free Lunches)

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