Thursday, September 17, 2015

How to get a Stitch Fix Preview

Some have been wondering how to take a sneak peek of your Fix when it ships.  If you like the element of surprise, read no further.  Walk away now, otherwise prepare to be tempted.  

Once your Stitch Fix has shipped, you will receive an email telling you it has shipped.  However if you're impatient and as excited as I am, you will be stalking your account until it says shipped.  In which case you will find out before the email arrives.

So here's the trick...keep an eye on your Home page your note to your stylist has now changed to fix is in progress.  You will then see that change to it has shipped along with a tracking number. Look below that it says "Have you already received your package? Checkout."  Click here to take a peek at your current fix.

Now the fun part...hunting the Internet for pictures of these items.  Some popular items will be found easily, otherwise you may need to be patient and embrace the element of surprise.   

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